
There are place to see genuine book

Morning News to read thick books also holding a brick already OUT, ​​not only tired, but not green! Book now is the right way, but typos talk, wholesale accessories online shop e-books infringing copyright piracy is also vexing. Yesterday, the media by the Times Publishing Company Anhui Education Networks to build the whole digital media publishing operations platform.  

Time e Bo" formally launched operations, it will provide readers with wholesale accessories online shop a flood of genuine books.It is jammers reviews understood, "Time e Bo" is different from the normal online and online shopping sites, it has a copyright for the content of the national integration of resources through advanced service technology, combined with innovative business models to provide readers with a flood of multi.

Terminal genuine digital reading material and digital wholesale accessories online shop publications, education, support for PC, mobile phones, tablet PCs and other terminals across time and space in real-time reading. The project has created a Chinese culture "going out" forms of cooperation, the platform ahead of the business model has attracted the interest of international publishers to reach the "era of e-Bo" digital publishing strategic cooperation agreement.

