
Facebook, Google have been involved in IPv6 testing

According to Financial Times, 8 more than 400 world's largest Internet companies, including Microsoft, Google, Yahoo wholesale accessories online shop and Facebook, has been testing a new coding system for the global Internet, and will result in speed due to slow or difficult Android Tablets to open a web phenomenon The advance warning.

IPv6 replacement of the coding system is critical, because the existing coding system will not be incorporated into the
wholesale accessories online shop continuous generation of wholesale electronic stores new network address. With the emerging market of millions of users into the Internet, the new mobile devices need more online connections, the network address must be increased accordingly. 32-byte network address will be increased to 128 bytes, which means the new system more than the original system for up to 40 million Internet users. Known as the founder of the Internet Vint Cerf said, if you do not run IPv6, Internet companies will be unable to achieve rapid development.

However, the new system with the wholesale electronic shop old system compatibility are not encouraging. IPv4 will not be able to use the computer to open web pages to run IPv6, it is difficult to open the Mac OS IPv6 page.

The 8th hundreds of Internet companies to participate in the "World IPv6 Testing Day"will be made ​​to replace the existing
wholesale accessories online shop IPv4 the first test. In addition to large Internet companies, Akamai, Cisco, Huawei also provide technical support for this test. Google said Monday 99.95% of Internet users will not be affected by the test, while the remaining 0.05% of the users of the system may not revert to IPv4, which can not normally open Internet companies involved in the testing site.

